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member since 24 March 2010


Guys,I want to tell u the truth!I am not a star and please understand me!I am not Miley Cyrus!I am so so sorry!!!!!!But I don't want to posing as Miley,because she is a super girl...and yes,she's my fav celeb,but I am really sorry and I hope that u understand me!I am a biggest fan of Miley Cyrus...and I can't posing as her :( She's my favourite and I really love her very much!But I don't want to be a fake!This is so stupid!I am so sorry!Please forgive me :( I really want to help this site!There are only fakes!!!There are not real celebs!!!!!WAKE UP ALL!THERE ARE ONLY FAKES!The real celebs have only myspace or twitter!They haven't time for stupids site!They are really busy!Please understand me!There are only fakes!And I am really sorry because I posing as Miley!But this thing is so stupid!I don't want to be a fake!I want to recognize!And there are only fakes!!Please understand me!I don't believe in nobody!!!!There are only fakes,guys!!UNDERSTAND ME!And I really hate these fakes!!!All are fakes!Only fakes!And who's with me?I am sorry because I posing as Miley,but I don't want to do this again,because I am a biggest fan of Miley,and I think if Miley will see what I do,I will make her very sad!:( I am really sorry guys!And I hope that u will forgive me!:( And again I am really sorry!And u know what I think?I think that all from deget.net are from Romania!Yes guys!!Nobody from here are real celebs or from USA!All are from Romania!I am very sure!And I tell u that again:I am very sorry!Really guys!Please forgive me!!!I really don't want to be a fake!I love my life!I don't want to steal Miley's life,because I really love my life!Because I love her very much and she's my life!I want to live my life!And againnn...I am so sorry!!!!Please guys,forgive me and I hope that u will understand me!Please guys!And I tell u that again:I am a biggest fan of Miley Cyrus!And please help me!I want to help this site because there are only fakes!Please help me guys!!!And please forgive me!Love you guys and I hope that u will understand me!Kiss you!And Love you,guys!

Comments • 20

I forgive ya' bby.. U're a good person now :)

Love ya`, Miley<3
UltimateMileyParty 8 May 2010  
ok.I forgive ya:] . heey look we have almost the same name:]
MileyPartUltimateParty 8 May 2010  
Yep' hehe :]
deliaboss 4 May 2010  
but first u wanted to be miley :))
dancer08 4 May 2010  
is ok
whynot 6 April 2010  
And demmzmilezsellz.deget.net/ is just a FAKE too???/
AshieMichelle 4 April 2010  
yes i will forgive you :) but you will? :(
MileyPartUltimateParty 6 April 2010  
FakeDetector 4 April 2010  
yepz bby I will forgive u
FakeDetector 4 April 2010  
with pleasure...love you ;)
MileyPartUltimateParty 4 April 2010  
MeTheBest 3 April 2010  
ok!congratulations!Hey,i'm from romania,too!Cool
KristiniaDeBarge 2 April 2010  
Yes:) I`m from Romania too!
xoxoDemiVerifiedPage 2 April 2010  
Okay!I will forgive you.But you`ll forgive me`? :(
MileyPartUltimateParty 2 April 2010  
xoxoDemiVerifiedPage 2 April 2010  
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