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member since 24 March 2010

0 Here Is My Oppinion 0

Hey ya' guys!So..yep...here's my oppinion!It's official!My oppinion is that:There are don't existed real celebrities!Why I think that?Gosh..But..because :1:The Real celebrities have facebook,myspace and twitter;and number 2:the celebrities haven't time to put pics,proofs or to make albums..they are busy..are celebrities,right? and number 3: The real celebrities haven't ID!!!I know that there are fakes with MSN..but I said....Ok Ok...So that's my oppinion!And now I really don't blv in xDemmzLovato!Really!And look:Why many fakes add proofs?=]] Gosh......If they are ''celebrities'' why they don't write on twitter her/his deget.net page!OK OK!I have my oppinion all,and I think that u have ur oppinion,too!But that's my official oppinion:]] I don't blv in nobody from deget.net or sunphoto.ro!!!Are only simple fakes!!!So who's with me?Down with all the fakes from this site and other site!:]]
LOve ya' (L)
Here Is My Oppinion!
Here Is My Oppinion!
And It Is Official!
And It Is Official!
There Are Don't Existed Real Celebrities!
There Are Don't Existed Real Celebrities!
I Don't Believe In Nobody!
I Don't Believe In Nobody!
Be Sure!
Be Sure!
I Hope That U Will Understand!
I Hope That U Will Understand!
I Wait Your Oppinion All!:D
I Wait Your Oppinion All!:D
Please Leave Here A Comment With Your Oppinion!
Please Leave Here A Comment With Your Oppinion!
Thank You!
Thank You!
I Wait Your Comments!:]
I Wait Your Comments!:]

Comments • 2

Bro0ky 15 June 2010  
~ Hey bbs!
I am the real Bro0k!
MileyPartUltimateParty 20 June 2010  
And I'm Britney Spears =]]
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